Media Release - MISSIONMAP Tablet Edition now available
/MISSIONMAP mission management system for tablet PCs
SYDNEY, NSW, Nov 20, 2016 - LOGI-MAP Pty Ltd, creators of the MISSIONMAP Airborne Mission Management System have released MISSIONMAP Tablet Edition - a versatile and affordable moving map system designed for use with or without an integrated camera system.
MISSIONMAP Tablet Edition offers operators the same cockpit-optimised intuitive user experience as the top tiered fixed installation, supported by meaningful features and rich, detailed maps for optimal situational awareness and mission coordination.
Conceived and engineered by aircrew, MISSIONMAP's superior custom design means Tactical Flight Officers (TFOs) and Mission Coordinators can now access a greater flow of valuable information about their task on a portable, low-profile device right from their lap.
MISSIONMAP Tablet Edition Supports:
- Multiple map/chart and overlay options with side-by-side and over-under map views
- Accurate search results of street, address and land parcel databases
- Multi-format coordinate search and display
- Points of interest search
- Aerial imagery
- Digitised (raster) maps and charts (customisable)
- Waypoint management - export and import
- Aircraft track and camera line-of-sight track export & import
Key benefits:
- Plan, execute and review missions on the one device
- View in landscape or portrait configurations
- BYO professional rugged Windows tablet
- Rapidly assimilated into operations
- Low size, weight and power requirements
- No/low integration costs
- Intuitive user interface and map display
- No cellular connection required - base map data is stored in the system
- MISSIONMAP designed by TFOs/aircrew
ALE | Surveillance | Homeland Security | Border Protection | SAR | EMS | Utility/Infrastructure Inspection | Fire reconnaissance and attack | Command Post | Marine | Land Vehicles
View the MISSIONMAP promotional video here:
MISSIONMAP Tablet Edition webpage
MISSIONMAP provides the key functions of navigation, mission management and optional electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) sensor control for specialised airborne operations. MISSIONMAP is an intuitive touch-screen based digital mapping software application that assists with task coordination and mission planning. The product has been developed to aid fixed and rotary wing Tactical Flight Officers, Mission Coordinators and UAV operators in achieving their mission through the rapid provision of information about their present position and/or a chosen destination or ‘target’.
Also available is MISSIONMAP Tablet Edition - designed for use in aircraft with or without an integrated gyro-stabilised camera system or as a stand-alone portable solution for use in vehicles and vessels and/or at command posts.
Follow the MISSIONMAP product:
MISSIONMAP can be followed on various social media channels, including Twitter (@LogiMap), Youtube and our website.
About Logi-Map Pty Ltd.
LOGIMAP provides outstanding products and services in the field of airborne and terrestrialspecial operations mission management and navigation (with gyrostabilised camera integration). Designed for rotary, fixed wing and unmanned aircraft, our product -MISSIONMAP is created for Tactical Flight Officers, Mission Coordinators and UAV operators performing Airborne Law Enforcement, Search & Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, Firefighting, Infrastructure Support, Utilities Inspection, Forestry & Parks Support and Government/Military operations.
Media enquiries - Logi-Map Pty Ltd -
International Sales - Logi-Map Pty Ltd -
North & South America, South Africa - Ascent Vision Technologies -